Kamis, 08 Agustus 2019

Recipe: Yummy Nasi Goreng Keju

Nasi Goreng Keju.

Nasi Goreng Keju You can cook Nasi Goreng Keju using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Nasi Goreng Keju

  1. It's of Bahan.
  2. It's 2 Piring of Nasi.
  3. You need 1 Buah of Wortel - diserut.
  4. It's Secukupnya of Ayam Suir.
  5. You need 2 Butir of Telur.
  6. It's of Bumbu Pelengkap.
  7. Prepare 2 SDM of Margarin.
  8. You need 2 SDM of Kecap Manis.
  9. Prepare 2 SDM of Kecap Asin.
  10. It's 2 SDM of Saus Tiram.
  11. It's 3 SDM of Cabe Blender.
  12. It's 1/2 SDT of Garam.
  13. Prepare Secukupnya of Kaldu Jamur Bubuk.
  14. It's Secukupnya of Keju Serut u/ Toping.

Nasi Goreng Keju instructions

  1. Siapkan Bahan dan Nasi 2 Porsi (Nasi Lupa Photo).
  2. Panaskan Margarin, Masukkan telur-orek-orek, Masukkan Wortel Serut dan Ayam-Campur semuanya, Masukkan Nasi, Bumbui dg Garam, Kaldu Jamur Bubuk, Saus tiram, Kecap Manis, Kecap Asin dan Cabe, Campur semuanya hingga Matang, Kemudian tes Rasa (Lupa Photo terakhir Goreng Nasgor nya).
  3. Sajikan dg menambahkan Keju Serut.. Selamat Mencoba 👌.

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